Sunday, April 22, 2012

Meet Sophie!


Meet Sophie Belle, my new puppy.  She is a German Shepherd mix that we adopted.  We have now had her for about 6 weeks and she gets sweeter, and BIGGER, every day.  The picture above was taken when we first got her.  Just look at how big she is now…..


She is about 4 months old, and my constant companion.  Every bit my dog, she loves to sit in the sewing room and watch/guard me while I stitch.  I don’t know how I ever thought I could live without a dog after Alison passed away last October.  Having Sophie has made me realize how much I missed having one.  I just finished making her a new dog bed.  That will be my next blog post.  Until then…..

Enjoy,  Merry Gay

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

While I’m waiting…….


I have come to a complete standstill with my Dresden Flowers quilt.  I have completed all of the applique on all of the blocks.  And I have designed some fancy pieced sashing to go between them.  I am chomping at the proverbial bit to get busy with that portion of the project, but ………. “Houston, we have a problem!”   I had to order more fabric.  So while I wait for the arrival of said fabric at Casa de Merry Gay, I am cooling my heels by making some of Martha Stewart’s heart shaped pot holders.


I am making a whole bunch of them so I can share them with my girlfriends, so I have the assembly line thing going on.  First I sandwiched several fabrics.  Then once that is done, just pin the patterns on, cut them out and pile them up waiting for the bias trim.  Fun afternoon!


Enjoy,  Merry Gay

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

In Bloom!

The lack of anything new to show you from my sewing room (still motoring along on Dresden Flowers) has left me in a pickle ……… what will I show my blog readers?  So, I took a walk around my neighborhood and am going to show you the show that our April flowers are bringing us this year.  This is a picture taken from my front porch.  I haven’t got it ‘dressed’ for warm weather and lazy days on the porch yet, but that’s another post.
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Isn’t this lovely?  Dogwoods all in bloom.  But you can see that the jonquils have already come and gone from the fence.  Isn’t it a shame that everything can’t bloom at the same time?  I should have gone out and taken pictures when my orchard was blooming, but I didn’t so we have missed those beautiful trees too.
                 Dogwood blooms are so pretty!

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Azaleas and Peonies …………….
All this makes me smile Open-mouthed smile!  Back to the sewing room…..

Enjoy,  Merry Gay

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Miss String!


I finally have a finish of some sort to show you!  This is what I have been calling “Miss String”…… a string quilt of course.  And it was surprisingly easy to do!  Yay!

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It is sewn to a piece of paper and then cut to size using the paper as a guide.  You simply cut a bunch of pieces of paper ……. I had a 10” square template, so that is what I used ……… and then cut a bunch of strips.  The strips don’t have to be measured or sized or anything.  Look at mine.  See, the strips are all varying widths.  Anyway, you will place a strip (right side down) on one of your cut pieces of paper diagonally and sew it.  You don’t even have to be picky about your seam width.  Just sew the strip onto the piece of paper.  Then you can either iron or finger press the strip so that the right side is up.  Place another contrasting strip on top of the strip you just sewed (fabric right sides together), and sew this strip to the first strip AND to the paper.  Finger press this strip like the last one and repeat this process until your paper is filled.  Then cut your block to the size of your paper and remove the paper from the back and you have your first block done.


I hope I was clear on those instructions and didn’t gloss over the steps too fast.  I was not thinking about this post when I was working on it, or I would have taken pictures as I went along.  Sorry.  But if you need help, there are lots of tutorials on the internet.  Type ‘string quilt tutorial’ into a search engine and it will give you choices.

Anyway, back to Miss String ……. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to embellish my quilt with applique.  I sewed on my borders and then added flowers and ladybug to opposite corners.  That just seemed to give this quilt that little something extra that it needed to finish it off.  Now I only have to sandwich it with batting and backing and get it quilted!  I’ll probably get that done in a month or so.  I have another project under my needle now.  Remember Dresden Flowers?



Enjoy!  Merry Gay